
Sitkan Boat & Kayaking Tours

Image of the coastline

Are you ready to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city? Wanting to get out and enjoy nature? What about hiking a few trails, kayaks, ride a boat, or enjoy the beautiful scenery and wildlife Alaska has to offer? If you answered yes to all these questions, we have some awesome […]

Plan Your Road Trip Around Sitka

alaskan landscape

Are you looking to elevate your vacation this summer? Nothing is more adventurous than planning a round trip around Alaska. There are endless options for exploring the back roads, going off-roading, and enjoying plenty of sightseeing. If the great outdoors is a favorite of yours, a trip through Alaska is just for you! Best Time […]

3 Amazing Facts About Mt. Edgecumbe


Nestled deep at the Southern end of Kruzof Island, Alaska is a dormant volcano named Mount Edgecumbe. This is the only dormant volcano in southeast Alaska and is located about 16 miles from the city of Sitka. If you’re ready to venture out to Mt. Edgecumbe, you are looking at a 14.4-mile hike that includes […]

Birdwatching in Sitka, Alaska

By Alan D. Wilson - (Tufted Puffin), CC BY-SA 3.0,

Sitka, Alaska is teeming with wildlife from the fish, bears, raptors, and deer. If you want to enjoy your time observing wildlife without hunting or fishing, then it’s time to break out the binoculars for some bird watching! Here’s the best birds to look out for on your adventure. Tufted Puffin According to, “The […]

Is Sitka, Alaska an Island?

Photo of Mt. Edgecumbe

It’s no secret Sitka, Alaska has a unique geography and placement within the United States of America. Sitka is not an island, but rather a city on an island. Sitka is on the west side Baranof Island and the south half of Chichagof Island, settled in the Alexander Archipelago. Keep reading to find out why […]